God designed us for relationships, and our attachments to a primary care giver early in life becomes the basis for how we do or don’t do relationships later on into adulthood.  From infancy to adolescence we learn how kids do attachments and what to expect from them in each phase.  Children need to find their homes as a safe base (safe haven). Different children have different needs, sensory profiles, motor skills, and regulatory patterns.

 Five Key Principles of Fostering a Secure Attachment:

  1. One on One Time –"floor time."
  2. Emotion Coaching - helps the kids put words to their emotions.
  3. Firm Clear Limits- helps them negotiate, provides consistency.
  4. Create a Stable Family Life - parents balance work with the family relations.
  5. Self-Care for Parents – parent’s emotional state influences child’s attachment.

Over 250,000 new cells form in the child’s brain every minute.  By the age of ten these cells quit producing.  The impact we adults have on our child’s brain from the day of conception is simply astounding.  Healthy brain development begins with a healthy life style while the baby is in the womb.  As the child grows and develops, it is important to introduce children to proper nutrition and relaxation skills.  After a child is born, optimize the child’s environment.  Bonding with the child by spending time with the baby will make deposits into the child’s emotional bank.


Please visit our Resources page for materials on children with ADHD.